Pets N People
Health and Wellness
Holistic Therapy for Prevention and Amazing Healing
Nature's Divine
opening the door to nature
Melissa Bieber
8495 Oak Lane, P.O. Box 8, Becker, MN  55308
Nature's Divine
opening the door to nature
Pets N People
health and wellness
2013 Summer Camps
Camp Registration Form

Please complete this information form with Payment and Waiver and send it to:
Melissa Bieber, P.O. Box 8, Becker MN 55308.
Each camp session is limited in size. Registration is subject to availability.

Camper Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Age: _____________ DOB: ___________Height and weight: ________________________________

Camp types and session dates that you wish to attend: 1st choice:_________ 2nd choice:__________

Have you previously attended a horseback riding camp? _______  Have you ridden before? _______
If yes, please describe your level of riding experience: ______________________________________

Do you have any medical situation of which we should be aware? ______  If yes, please describe: ________________________________________________________________________________

If a Minor: Names of Parents/Guardians: ________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________

Address:  ________________________________________________________________________

Cell Phone Numbers: _______________________________________________________________

Home Phone Numbers: _____________________________________________________________

E-mail Addresses: __________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contacts Names: ________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: ________________________ Phone Number: ______________________________

Students will be working together in small groups. If you have a friend (or friends) who you would like to
be in your group, please list their name and age: ____________________________________________

How did you find out about our Camp?____________________________________________________

Signature (Parent/Guardian if Minor): ___________________________________  Date:____________

Thank you very much, we look forward to seeing you at Camp